
This document provides in-depth instructions for experienced Debian administrators seeking to compile and install a customized version of Neovim, a highly configurable text editor.


The task of compiling and installing software like Neovim on Debian-based systems can be a complex undertaking when the packaged version is too old, even for seasoned administrators. This guide aims to facilitate this process, providing step-by-step instructions and addressing potential challenges associated with older systems.



  • Neovim is in Debian and a fast development can be seen
Debian # Neovim
Bookworm 12 0.7.2-7
Bullseye 11 0.4.4-1
Buster 10 0.3.4-3

Upstream Releases

The current source stable release is neovim 0.9.0 040f145 https://github.com/neovim/neovim/archive/refs/tags/v0.9.0.tar.gz

Build From Source

This section describe the build of Neovim from source.


From the repository’s root directory, running make will download and build all the needed dependencies and put the nvim executable in build/bin. However to be consistent the dependencies also can be installed via package manager.

aptitude install ninja-build gettext libtool libtool-bin autoconf automake \
cmake g++ pkg-config unzip curl git

The ninja-build is a optional build dependency. It is more a development dependency, Neovim will build without, but will build faster with. The build will use ccache if available. To disable: CCACHE_DISABLE=true make.

The compilation of Neovim can present hurdles, particularly on older systems. A key challenge is that the build process requires cmake version 3.10 or above, while Debian 9 Stretch only includes version 3.7.2.

Here are the CMake versions bundled with recent stable Debian releases:

Debian # Release CMake
Stretch 9 June 2017 3.7.2
Buster 10 July 2019 3.13.4
Bullseye 11 August 2021 3.18.4
Bookworm 12 June 2023 3.25.1

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, consider referring to the Debian package tracking system or running apt-cache policy cmake on your Debian system. The current version in the stable Debian 11 Bullseye as of 2023-05-16 is 3.18.4-2+deb11u1.

Some Dependencies Of Neovim Project In Detail

Run Make

First, as root

mkdir -p /srv/{build,neovim}
chown $USER.$USER /srv/{build,neovim}

Then, as $USER

cd /srv/build
git clone https://github.com/neovim/neovim
cd neovim
# If you want to build the last stable version from the repository
# checkout 'stable'
git checkout stable
# Use gmake on BSD instead of make

The type RelWithDebInfo (“Release With Debug Info”) enables optimizations and add debug information so you can get a backtrace in the case of crashing. Do not add a -j flag if ninja is installed! The build will be in parallel automatically.

On a 4-core CPU from 2017, this process takes less than 1.5 minutes if dependencies need to be downloaded, and significantly less if dependencies are already provided by the package manager. Please note that the build system may encounter issues if run multiple times. If you encounter any issues, try downloading the repository again and running cmake on a fresh repository if the suggestion in the next paragraph do not work.

CMake is the main build system that caches in build/CMakeCache.txt. If you want to change something, like CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, run rm -rf build first. This is also required when rebuilding Neovim after a Git commit adds or removes files (this is including from runtime). When you are not sure if somethings changed, run make distclean, that is basically a shortcut for rm -rf build .deps.

Build Package

On Debian you also have the possibility to create a package

cd /srv/build/neovim
cd build && cpack -G DEB

This will produce 2 files:

  • nvim-linux64.deb
  • _CPack_Packages/Linux/DEB/nvim-linux64.deb

To install as root use dpkg -i nvim-linux64.deb.

For faster build install: Ninja, ccache


cd /srv/build/neovim
make install

This will give a binary in /srv/neovim/bin called nvim.


One easy test is to start neovim (nvim) and give the command :checkhealth to understand what is missing in terms of dependencies and configuration.


Version Date Notes
0.1.0 2023-05-16 Initial release