
Christian Külker




Written in Go, Hugo is an open source static website generator (SSG) available under the Apache License 2.0. Hugo supports TOML, YAML, and JSON data file types, Markdown and HTML content files, and uses short-codes to add rich content. Other notable features include taxonomies, multi-language mode, image processing, custom output formats, HTML/CSS/JS minification, and support for Sass SCSS workflows.


Installation Hugo 0.64.1 Debian 10

This installation was tested on Debian 10 Buster. It clones a specific version from the upstream git repository.


  • minimal golang 1.11 is needed
aptitude install golang

Fetch Source Code

export URL=
export VER=0.64.1
mkdir ~/g/
cd ~/g/
git clone --branch v$VER --single-branch --depth 1  $URL hugo-$VER

This fetches just 72 MB instead of 177 MB for a complete clone. However this clone is in a detached HEAD mode; without tagging, no commits can be made, which should not be a problem.

Hugo and Go Environment

As the self compiled version of hugo, the PATH should be set. This is a suggestion for an environment, located at /srv/env/hugo-0.64.1.

export ENV_HUGO_NS=hugo-0.64.1

If Go is installed via the package manager, no special environment is needed. In this example a self compiled version of Go was used. The following is a suggestion for the Go environment, located at /srv/env/go-v1.13.7. Two variables are important: GOROOT and GOPATH.

export ENV_NODE_NS=go-v1.13.7
export GOROOT=$HOME/g/
export GOPATH=/srv/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

Build Building Hugo

The build time of hugo depends on the state of download. If everything is downloaded it takes about 2 minutes. So this would not work on an isolated machine without network connection.

cd  hugo-0.64.1
source  /srv/env/go-v1.13.7
go version
go version go1.13.7 linux/amd64
go build

./hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.64.1 linux/amd64 BuildDate: unknown

{FAILED} Build Building Hugo Extended [Debian 10 Buster]

The extended version of hugo is needed for some themes to support TOCSS.

cd  hugo-0.64.1
source  /srv/env/go-v1.13.7
go version
go version go1.13.7 linux/amd64
go build --tags extended
6701/libs/sass_number.go:8:9: undefined: SassNumber
6701/libs/sass_number.go:151:10: undefined: SassNumber
6701/libs/sass_number.go:153:9: undefined: SassNumber
6701/libs/sass_number.go:157:10: undefined: SassNumber
6701/libs/sass_number.go:159:9: undefined: SassNumber
6701/libs/sass_number.go:164:10: undefined: SassNumber
6701/libs/sass_number.go:166:9: undefined: SassNumber
6701/libs/sass_number.go:170:10: undefined: SassNumber
6701/libs/sass_number.go:175:28: undefined: SassNumber
6701/libs/sass_number.go:186:24: undefined: SassNumber
6701/libs/sass_number.go:166:9: too many errors

Build downloads 480MB and takes 1 minute for compile time

Extended Pre-compiled Hugo [Debian 10 Buster]

cd /srv/src
cd /srv/build
mkdir hugo_extended_0.64.1
cd hugo_extended_0.64.1
tar xvzf ../../src/hugo_extended_0.64.1_Linux-64bit.tar.gz

source /srv/env/go-v1.13.7
source /srv/env/hugo-extended-0.64.1
hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.64.1-C327E75D/extended linux/amd64 BuildDate:\

Testing docsy Theme

cd ~/scratch/hugo-0.64.1-new-site-docsy/themes

git clone --recursive

OR (after cloning)
cd docsy
git submodule update --init

OR (after cloning, and expecting nested stuff)
cd docsy
git submodule update --init --recursive

Submodule 'assets/vendor/Font-Awesome' (\
esome.git) registered for path 'assets/vendor/Font-Awesome'
Submodule 'assets/vendor/bootstrap' ( re\
gistered for path 'assets/vendor/bootstrap'
Cloning into '$HOME/scratch/hugo-0.64.1-new-site-docsy/themes/docsy/assets/v\
Cloning into '$HOME/scratch/hugo-0.64.1-new-site-docsy/themes/docsy/assets/v\
Submodule path 'assets/vendor/Font-Awesome': checked out '538a5bc4cf7989821d05\
Submodule path 'assets/vendor/bootstrap': checked out '3b558734382ce58b51e5fc6\

source /srv/env/node-v12.5.0-linux-x64
# -D, --save-dev: Package will appear in your devDependencies.
npm install -D --save autoprefixer
+ autoprefixer@9.7.4
npm install -D --save postcss-cli
+ postcss-cli@7.1.0

If you omit npm installations, you will encounter this error.

cd ~/scratch/hugo-0.64.1-new-site-docsy
Building sites … ERROR 2020/02/14 23:40:20 Transformation failed: SCSS process\
ing failed: file "stdin", line 6, col 1: File to import not found or unreadabl\
e: ../vendor/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.
Building sites …
  Replace Autoprefixer browsers option to Browserslist config.
  Use browserslist key in package.json or .browserslistrc file.

  Using browsers option can cause errors. Browserslist config
  can be used for Babel, Autoprefixer, postcss-normalize and other tools.

  If you really need to use option, rename it to overrideBrowserslist.

  Learn more at:

Testing Docsy Theme Example (Faster)

export URL=
export DIR=hugo-0.64.1-new-site-docsy-example
git clone --recurse-submodules $URL $DIR
cd  $DIR
du -sch *
66M total
source /srv/env/go-v1.13.7
source /srv/env/hugo-extended-0.64.1
source /srv/env/node-v12.5.0-linux-x64
npm install -D --save autoprefixer
npm install -D --save postcss-cli

[theme/docsy] How To Change The List Format In Sections?

Sections are Directories with a file that (if chosen) list the sub pages of that directory.


Below the content of _index_html a list is shown. The format of list depends on the front matter:

    simple_list: true

For simple_list: true a simple list (ul, li) is shown.

  {{ range $pages }}
    {{ if eq .Parent $parent }}
    <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{- .Title -}}</a></li>
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}

Where as for simple_list: false a h5 description list is shown (that takes up more space). The theme/docsy template that do that is: layouts/partials/section-index.html.

<div class="entry">
    <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{- .Title -}}</a>
  <p>{{ .Description | markdownify }}</p>

Source Code Latest Version

Get The Source

cd ~/g/
mkdir gohugoio
cd gohugoio
git clone

Building Hugo [Debian Buster]

takes some time, mega download, puts 884MB into ~/go !!!


cd  hugo
go build

./hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.61.0-DEV linux/amd64 BuildDate: unknown


boiler plate

$HOME/g/ new site /tmp/new-site

Congratulations! Your new Hugo site is created in /tmp/new-site.

Just a few more steps and you're ready to go:

1. Download a theme into the same-named folder.
   Choose a theme from or
   create your own with the "hugo new theme <THEMENAME>" command.
2. Perhaps you want to add some content. You can add single files
   with "hugo new <SECTIONNAME>/<FILENAME>.<FORMAT>".
3. Start the built-in live server via "hugo server".

Visit for quickstart guide and full documentation.


cd new-site/theme
git clone
cd new-site
echo 'theme = "hugo-theme-techdoc"' >> config.toml


As a test installation the Mainroad theme is used. Seems well supported by 26 contributors and has a lot of features and supports many browsers

git clone git submodule add

Consider (beautiful)

Add New Page (Add Content)

$HOME/g/ new cms/
/tmp/new-site/content/cms/ created
vim /tmp/new-site/content/cms/

Hugo Front Matter


Hugo Markup


   markup: pandoc


  defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark"
    angledQuotes = false
    footnoteAnchorPrefix = ""
    footnoteReturnLinkContents = ""
    fractions = true
    hrefTargetBlank = false
    latexDashes = true
    nofollowLinks = false
    noreferrerLinks = false
    plainIDAnchors = true
    skipHTML = false
    smartDashes = true
    smartypants = true
    smartypantsQuotesNBSP = false
    taskLists = true
      definitionList = true
      footnote = true
      linkify = true
      strikethrough = true
      table = true
      taskList = true
      typographer = true
      attribute = true
      autoHeadingID = true
      autoHeadingIDType = "github"
      hardWraps = false
      unsafe = false
      xHTML = false
    codeFences = true
    guessSyntax = false
    hl_Lines = ""
    lineNoStart = 1
    lineNos = false
    lineNumbersInTable = true
    noClasses = true
    style = "monokai"
    tabWidth = 4
    endLevel = 3
    ordered = false
    startLevel = 2


Server Development Site

cd $HOME/scratch/hugo-new-site
$HOME/g/ server

Building sites … WARN 2019/12/02 12:15:53 Page.Hugo is deprecated and will be
removed in a future release. Use the global hugo function.

WARN 2019/12/02 12:15:53 Page.URL is deprecated and will be removed in a future
release. Use .Permalink or .RelPermalink. If what you want is the front matter
URL value, use .Params.url

                   | EN
  Pages            |  7
  Paginator pages  |  0
  Non-page files   |  0
  Static files     |  5
  Processed images |  0
  Aliases          |  0
  Sitemaps         |  1
  Cleaned          |  0

Built in 31 ms
Watching for changes in
Watching for config changes in /tmp/new-site/config.toml
Environment: "development"
Serving pages from memory
Running in Fast Render Mode. For full rebuilds on change: hugo server
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop

New pages are drafts and are NOT displayed. To actually display them use -D option or --buildDrafts option!

$HOME/g/ server --enableGitInfo --i18n-warnings\
 --path-warnings --templateMetrics --verbose --debug -D

Publish Content


Will write data to pulic

Add Home Page

    cd /tmp/new-site/content

Simple Deploy

    cd /tmp/new-site/
    $HOME/g/  server

Example Pages


Using Hugo 0.64.1

    source /srv/env/hugo-0.64.1
    hugo version
    Hugo Static Site Generator v0.64.1 linux/amd64 BuildDate: unknown
hugo new site $HOME/scratch/hugo-0.64.1-new-site
Congratulations! Your new Hugo site is created in $HOME/scratch/hugo-0.64.1-new-site.

Just a few more steps and you're ready to go:

1. Download a theme into the same-named folder.
   Choose a theme from or
   create your own with the "hugo new theme <THEMENAME>" command.
2. Perhaps you want to add some content. You can add single files
   with "hugo new <SECTIONNAME>/<FILENAME>.<FORMAT>".
3. Start the built-in live server via "hugo server".

Visit for quickstart guide and full documentation.

Installing Techdoc Theme

    mkdir -p ~/g/
    cd ~/g/
    git clone
    cp -a ~/g/ $HOME/scratch/hugo-0.64.1-new-site/themes

Installing A Theme Inside A Git Project (The Content) [NOT TESTED]

    cd ~/scratch/hugo-new-site
    git submodule add themes/book

Translating A Theme (i18n)

cd hugo-site
mkdir i18n
echo "[imprint]" >> i18n/en.toml
echo 'other = "Imprint"' >> i18n/en.toml
echo "[imprint]" >> i18n/de.toml
echo 'other = "Impressum"' >> i18n/de.toml

Then use it as {{ T "imprint" }}


Your rendered home page is blank: /index.html is zero-length

  • Did you specify a theme on the command-line or in your “config.toml” file? (Current theme: "")
  • For more debugging information, run “hugo -v”

Output Formats


{{ range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}}
<link rel="{{ .Rel }}" type="{{ .MediaType.Type }}" href="{{ .Permalink | safeURL }}">
{{ end -}}


{{ .RelPermalink }} > /that-page/
{{ with  .OutputFormats.Get "json" -}}
{{ .RelPermalink }} > /that-page/index.json
{{- end }}


Version Date Notes
0.1.3 2024-07-12 Add How To Change The List Format In Sections
0.1.2 2024-07-11 Fix frontmatter (remove double ‘tags’ key), Format
0.1.1 2023-03-24 Improve writing, history
0.1.0 2020-02-12 Initial release

  • Hugo