Openhpc Installation And Usage

Christian Külker



OpenHPC (ohpc) is made of different components. One component is the cluster provisioning by Warewulf.

Installation of OpenHPC

[SERVER] Prerequisites Before Installing OpenHPC

Install CentOS 7.2.511

Download Install The Guide For OpenHPC

For this document rev 3fc5abc was used.

[SERVER] Disable selinux

Check if selinux is enabled:

if selinuxenables; then echo yes; else echo no; fi

This will print if selinux is enabled at boot time. Temporarily disable selinux.

setenforce 0

Check with


Should print


[SERVER] Kick Start OpenHPC Installation

yum install epel-release
rpm -ivh

systemctl disable firewalld
systemctl stop firewalld

yum -y groupinstall ohpc-base

[SERVER] Install Convenient Tools

yum install tree zsh rsync wget mlocate vim

[SERVER] Install Dependencies

Not mentioned dependencies:

yum install net-tools

[SERVER] Install Warewulf Cluster For OpenHPC

yum -y groupinstall ohpc-warewulf

[SERVER] Setup The Correct Time On The Front End Node

systemctl enable ntpd.service
systemctl restart ntpd

[SERVER] Install Workload Manager Slurm (Server)

yum -y groupinstall ohpc-slurm-server
useradd slurm

[SERVER] OpenHPC Environment

Use existing environment file or create your own. Make sure data for your site is correct.

source /opt/kuelker/env/ohpc ADAMSPASS

env|grep OHPC|sort

During this guide it is assumed that the environment is sourced in before at the beginning. That is especially true if variables are in the commands. Variables always start with $OHPC_ or ${OHPC_.

source /opt/kuelker/env/ohpc ADAMSPASS

[SERVER] Complete Basic OpenHPC/ Warewulf Setup

Source in the correct environment (see previous chapter).

source /opt/kuelker/env/ohpc ADAMSPASS
# Configure Warewulf provisioning to use desired internal interface
export PFN=/etc/warewulf/provision.conf
perl -pi -e "s/device = eth1/device = ${OHPC_SERVER_INTERNAL_INTERFACE}/" $PFN
# Enable tftp service for compute node image distribution
perl -pi -e "s/^\s+disable\s+= yes/ disable = no/" /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
# Enable http access for Warewulf cgi-bin directory to support newer apache syntax
export MFN=/etc/httpd/conf.d/warewulf-httpd.conf
perl -pi -e "s/cgi-bin>\$/cgi-bin>\n Require all granted/" $MFN
perl -pi -e "s/Allow from all/Require all granted/" $MFN
perl -ni -e "print unless /^\s+Order allow,deny/" $MFN
# Enable internal interface for provisioning
         netmask ${OHPC_SERVER_INTERNAL_NETMASK} up
# Restart/enable relevant services to support provisioning
systemctl restart xinetd
systemctl enable mariadb.service
systemctl restart mariadb
systemctl enable httpd.service
systemctl restart httpd

[SERVER] Configure NFS /home

Later a NFS server is needed

source /opt/kuelker/env/ohpc ADAMSPASS
yum install nfs-utils
mkdir -p /opt/ohpc/home
echo "${OHPC_HOME_BASE} *(${OHPC_SERVER_NFSEXP10})" >> /etc/exports
echo "/opt/ohpc/pub     *(${OHPC_SERVER_NFSEXP11})" >> /etc/exports
exportfs -a
systemctl restart nfs
systemctl enable nfs-server

[SERVER] Install Ganglia to Front Node

Make sure selinux is disabled! Installation works with seleinux, but if selinux is enabled ganglia can not collect data. (There was an error collecting ganglia data ( fsockopen error: Permission denied)

setenforce 0

yum -y groupinstall ohpc-ganglia

Backup old configuration

cp /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf.`date +'%F'`
cp /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/ganglia/gmond.conf /etc/ganglia

Source the environment

source /opt/kuelker/env/ohpc ADAMSPASS

Set the server name

perl -pi -e "s/<sms>/${OHPC_SERVER_NAME}/" /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf

Set the site name

cp /etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf /etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf.`date +'%F'`
echo "gridname $OHPC_SITE_NAME" >> /etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf

Enable and start Ganglia

systemctl enable gmond
systemctl enable gmetad
systemctl start gmond
systemctl start gmetad

systemctl try-restart httpd

Install Ganglia on the Clients

source /opt/kuelker/env/ohpc ADAMSPASS
yum -y --installroot=$OHPC_SERVER_CHROOT_TEST install ganglia-gmond-ohpc
chroot $OHPC_SERVER_CHROOT_TEST systemctl enable gmond


The official install guide: