
Christian Külker



Radicale is a simple CalDAV (calendar, to-do lists) and CardDAV (contacts) server that is easy to install and maintain, does not require a database, and can optionally use a git storage backend. Radicale does not implement the full specification, but a subset.

Radicale may not be the best choice for mixed environments.

The Radicale software stack layers are as follows:

Layer Part Function Provider Protocol, Format
1 Daemon Storage Radicale iCal/vCard
2 Daemon Server Radicale CalDAV/CardDAV
(3) Daemon Server nginx socket/proxy
4 Transfer Network internet http + TLS / https proxy
5 Client Receiver Evolution CalDAV/CardDAV
6 Client GUI Evolution Terminal, GTK, Web, …
  • Layer 3 is optional
  • The provider of layer 3,4,5 and 6 can be changed
  • Alternative to nginx is apache2

Radicale uses different formats at different levels to allow flexibility and compatibility with different calendar clients.

At the storage layer, Radicale uses the iCalendar format (ICS) as the primary format for storing calendar data. This is a standard format that is widely supported by many different calendar clients. However, Radicale also supports other formats such as vCard.

At the transport layer, Radicale uses various protocols to exchange calendar data with different clients and servers. For example, it supports the CalDAV protocol, which is a standard protocol for exchanging calendar data over the Web.

Radicale Installation Methods

The Radicale daemon can theoretically be built and installed via:

# From Via Version Result Notes
01 tar source 3.0.6 NT
02 tar [packages] 2.1.11-6 OK See below
03 git pip 3.0.6 Package not tried, install works, function not tested
04 git debuild, dpkg 2.1.12 NT
05 git debuild, dpkg 3.0.6* NG tried with changed Debian dir from 2.1.12-1
06 git stdeb 3.0.6* NG tried latest
07 git stdeb 3.0.6* NG tried with modified setup.py and setup/cfg
08 tar stdeb 3.0.6 NG tried
09 tar stdeb 3.0.6 NG tried with modified setup.py and setup/cfg
10 deb apt-get or aptitude 2.1.11-6 OK works
11 deb apt-get or aptitude 2.1.12-2 OK works
12 deb apt-get or aptitude 3.0.6-1 NA
13 deb apt-get or aptitude 3.0.6-3 NT TODO
  • Debian package
    • Via Debian official package repository (only version 2.1.12-1 as of 2020-11-02 and 2.1.12-2 as of 2020-12-29 both in sid). The Debian wiki explains: https://wiki.debian.org/Radicale
    • Via a self built package


NT not tried
NG not good (failed)
OK good (passed)
NA not available

Radicale Debian Packages

As of now (2020-12-29) only version 2.1.11-6 is available for Debian Buster and 2.1.12-2 for Debian Sid. There is no official Debian package for 3.0.x in Debian Buster. The 3.0.x version comes with Debian Bullseye.

Debian Version
Stretch 1.1.1+20160115-4
Buster 2.1.11-6
Bullseye 3.0.6-3

Build Dependencies

To the best of our knowledge, the following build dependencies should be met in order to build radicale 2.1.11

aptitude install help2man dh-buildinfo devscripts cdbs python3-atomicwrites \
python3-bcrypt python3-passlib python3-pytest python3-vobject quilt dh-python \

Building A Debian Package

For Radicale 2.1.11, the process is straightforward on Debian 10 Buster after installing the dependencies.

wget http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/r/radicale/radicale_2.1.11.orig.tar.gz
wget http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/r/radicale/radicale_2.1.11-6.debian.tar.xz
tar xvzf radicale_2.1.11.orig.tar.gz
cd Radicale-2.1.11
tar xvJf ../radicale_2.1.11-6.debian.tar.xz
debuild -us -uc

This will create radicale_2.1.11-6_all.deb.

It is not possible (easy) to build Debian packages from the upstream git source repository, as it does not contain a debian directory. The debian directory for 2.1.11 does not work for 3.0.x.


  • Newer versions of Thunderbird already include a calendar, no plugin needed
  • Thunderbird with Lightning plugin (deprecated) requires CalDAV (not iCalendar (ICS)).
  • Evolution


Version Date Notes
0.1.5 2023-04-01 Improve writing, add content
0.1.4 2022-07-05 Shell->Bash
0.1.3 2022-05-09 Change level of section ‘Links’
0.1.2 2020-12-29 Update front matter, links, Sid package version
0.1.1 2020-12-29 Update build process
0.1.0 2020-11-02 Initial release

  • Radicale