Git With Other Default Branch

Christian Külker



Default Git Branch

There is no way I know of to query the default branch name that git will use for a new repository. As of 2023-05-04 it is master.

Manually Changing Default Branch At Creation Time

Sometimes the default branch name is not what you want. However, this branch name is hard-coded into git. One way to get around using the hard-coded default branch is to create a virtual new branch before the first commit.

When a new git repository is created, the HEAD file is at that moment a pointer to the (virtual) default branch. You can easily find out what it points to with cat. The trick is to change the pointer for HEAD before the first commit, and therefore before the default branch exists, and make the new virtual first branch the default branch.

For all steps, we will assume that a new repository has been created, similar to this approach.

cd /tmp
mkdir test
cd test
git init

(VS;PR) Now the very short process of creating a git repository with a different default branch, without explanations, so please read it.

cd /tmp
mkdir test
cd test
git init
git checkout --orphan main

(ATL;DR) The next example is basically (almost) the same, but includes some commands to prove it and explanations of what to expect.

cd /tmp
mkdir test
cd test
git init                   # HEAD points to non existing ref: refs/heads/master
cat .git/HEAD              # Should give ref: refs/heads/master
ls .git/refs/heads         # Should give nothing
git checkout --orphan main # HEAD points to non existing ref: refs/heads/main
cat .git/HEAD              # Should give ref: refs/heads/main
ls .git/refs/heads         # Should give nothing (will change after commit)

(TL;DR) Finally, the following session shows what happens when there is a first commit to the repository, including the output of all commands.

cd /tmp
mkdir test
cd test

git init                   # HEAD points to non existing ref: refs/heads/master
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/test/.git/

cat .git/HEAD              # Should give ref: refs/heads/master
ref: refs/heads/master

ls .git/refs/heads         # Should give nothing

git checkout --orphan main # HEAD points to non existing ref: refs/heads/main
Switched to a new branch 'main'

cat .git/HEAD              # Should give ref: refs/heads/main
ref: refs/heads/main

ls .git/refs/heads         # Should give nothing (will change after commit)

touch            # Will create the file

git add          # Make the file known to git

                           # Create a commit and in unison the new branch
                           # under a non default name
git commit -m init
[main (root-commit) 9fdf194] init
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644

cat .git/HEAD              # Should give ref: refs/heads/main
ref: refs/heads/main

ls .git/refs/heads         # Should give main

As you can see, ls .git/refs/heads now shows that the new branch has been created.

Setting Globally a Different Branch Per Default

The previous section described the situation where you are not happy with the default branch name. As of Git 2.28.0, release July 2020, it is possible to use the init.defaultBranch configuration option, which allows Git users to define and configure a default branch name other than master.

For example, Gitlab changed the default branch from master' tomain’ in 2021.


To change the default branch name in Git from master to bonanza (for example) for all new repositories, you can use the init.defaultBranch configuration setting. This setting was introduced in Git 2.28.0, so make sure you have a compatible version installed.

You can check your Git version using the following command:

git --version

If you have a compatible version, you can use this command to set the default branch name:

git config --global init.defaultBranch bonanza

This will set the default branch name to bonanza for all new repositories created by the current user. If you want to set it for a specific repository only, you should navigate to that repository and run this command without the --global flag:

git config init.defaultBranch bonanza

Changing The Branch in Exsisting Repositories

Note that the above receipt will not change the default branch name in existing repositories. For existing repositories you will need to manually rename the branch. Here is how to do it:

  1. Switch to the branch you want to rename:

    git checkout master
  2. Rename the branch:

    git branch -m bonanza
  3. Push the renamed branch and reset the upstream branch:

    git push origin -u bonanza
  4. Finally, you may want to delete the old branch in the remote repository:

    git push origin --delete master

Remember to inform your staff/community/co-workers about this change, as it will affect their clones.


Version Date Notes
0.1.2 2023-05-04 Improve writing, Git 2.80.0, init.defaultBranch
0.1.1 2023-05-03 Improve writing
0.1.0 2022-07-15 Initial release

  • Git With Other Default Branch