Check Github License

Christian Külker



The website usually shows the license next to a git repository. Sometimes this information shows “other” and the license is not known to This document briefly describes how detects licenses and how to verify (without guarantee) that a project license is detected.

The Quick Guide

  1. Choose a recent operating system, such as Debian Bullseye
  2. Install the licensee dependencies: aptitude install ruby-rugged
  3. Install licensee using the Ruby gem: gem install --user-install licensee
  4. Run licensee on the LICENSE file (not the uncommitted changes repository): cd repository;licensee detect LICENSE.
  5. If files like COPYING and LICENSE are properly selected, dual-licensed projects are also possible: “CC-BY-SA-4.0, GFDL-1.3 licenses found”.

The longer Explanation

  1. When a license is selected during project creation, automatically creates a license file named LICENSE. Selectable licenses are collected in the _licenses directory of the repository: These licenses should be recognized. The license file from contains metadata about the license, such as an id called spdx. Only licenses with an id will be detected. See and for details.

  2. Sometimes a license is added later with a LICENSE file, or the license file has a different name. For example, COPYING is the GNU standard. I do not know which files are scanned (other than COPYING and LICENSE), but to be sure it might be advisable to rename the file to either LICENSE or COPYING. If both files exist, the project will display both licenses: “CC-BY-SA-4.0, GFDL-1.3 licenses found”.

  3. The content of the LICENSE file should be text with 78 characters per line. The best way to ensure this is to copy the contents of the license file found in the _licenses directory to LICENSE.

  4. The Licensee Ruby gem is used to query the license. To use it, the following requirements are necessary:

    • Recent Ruby version (2.7 for example, 2.3 will not work) (faraday-net_http requires Ruby version >= 2.6.0.)

    • A recent version of Debian (Bullseye will work; Stretch will not, even from package). An older Debian could use aptitude insall ruby-licensee to install licensee, but newer licenses may not be recognized and this binary seems to broken on Debian Stretch.

    • Even if you are considering installing from source, it is convenient to install the heavy dependencies from package, install as root using the command aptitude install ruby-rugged.

    • Use the gem install command.

    • Use the --user-install switch or add gem: --user-install to ~/gemrc (tested) or use the root user (untested).

    • Add ~/.local/share/gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin to your PATH if you are using Ruby 2.7.

    • If you want to install licensee from source. The dependencies are at least rugby-dev, cmake and maybe libevent-pthreads-2.1-7, but surely other dependencies need to be installed as well. This path has not been explored further on older systems or without installing ruby-rugged.

    • After running gem install licensee, the licensee binary can be found in ~/.local/share/gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin or, if installed via package, in /usr/bin/licensee.

  5. For example, in the <> repository, the license file is named LICENSE.markdown and the content is GFDL-1.3 in markdown format. The original idea was to use this file for a CMS to display the license, but this idea was later abandoned. However, reports the license as View License. So while licensee can detect the license, either the 99.16% accuracy is not high enough or the *.markdown extension prevents automatic detection.

    ~/.local/share/gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin/licensee detect .
    License:        GFDL-1.3
    Matched files:  LICENSE.markdown
      Content hash:  82840a8d2e4f2a671f952b01b4971fa8a0ca4082
      Confidence:    99.16%
      Matcher:       Licensee::Matchers::Dice
      License:       GFDL-1.3
      Closest non-matching licenses:
        GFDL-1.3 similarity:  99.16%
        LGPL-2.1 similarity:  36.80%
        ODbL-1.0 similarity:  31.60%
  6. Other projects have a better match and are recognized by, such as <>.

    ~/.local/share/gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin/licensee detect .
    License:        GPL-3.0
    Matched files:  LICENSE
      Content hash:  7d4cdf499d39e2e1ce27b2878e22872f0f5a74dd
      Confidence:    100.00%
      Matcher:       Licensee::Matchers::Exact
      License:       GPL-3.0
  7. Even if the file is not LICENSE.markdown but LICENSE and the content is markdown but not text, will not detect it.

    License:        GFDL-1.3
    Matched files:  LICENSE
      Content hash:  82840a8d2e4f2a671f952b01b4971fa8a0ca4082
      Confidence:    99.16%
      Matcher:       Licensee::Matchers::Dice
      License:       GFDL-1.3
      Closest non-matching licenses:
        GFDL-1.3 similarity:  99.16%
        LGPL-2.1 similarity:  36.80%
        ODbL-1.0 similarity:  31.60%

    After changing the format of the LICENSE file from markdown to text, the detection of the project is still 99.16%. My guess is that it is checking against the repository and not against the uncommitted changes.

    ~/.local/share/gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin/licensee detect .
    License:        GFDL-1.3
    Matched files:  LICENSE
      Content hash:  82840a8d2e4f2a671f952b01b4971fa8a0ca4082
      Confidence:    99.16%
      Matcher:       Licensee::Matchers::Dice
      License:       GFDL-1.3
      Closest non-matching licenses:
        GFDL-1.3 similarity:  99.16%
        LGPL-2.1 similarity:  36.80%
        ODbL-1.0 similarity:  31.60%

    When a file is explicitly requested to be scanned, the scanning rate changes.

    ~/.local/share/gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin/licensee detect LICENSE
    License:        GFDL-1.3
    Matched files:  LICENSE
      Content hash:  164a858691ea0a6fb0dd06c5ca00e5dd7620eef8
      Confidence:    100.00%
      Matcher:       Licensee::Matchers::Exact
      License:       GFDL-1.3
  8. After committing the change to, the license value changed to “GFDL-1.3 license”. So we can conclude that 99.16% is not enough. A subsequent git pull on another machine showed that project detection worked with the updated LICENSE file.

    ~/.local/share/gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin/licensee detect .
    License:        GFDL-1.3
    Matched files:  LICENSE
      Content hash:  164a858691ea0a6fb0dd06c5ca00e5dd7620eef8
      Confidence:    100.00%
      Matcher:       Licensee::Matchers::Exact
      License:       GFDL-1.3
  9. These experiments are not complete, but may help.


Version Date Notes
0.1.2 2023-03-18 Improve writing
0.1.1 2023-02-25 Dual-license information
0.1.0 2023-02-24 Initial release

  • Check Github License