Miso Soup

Christian Külker



Miso soup (味噌汁, misoshiru) is along with suimono (clear soup) one of two traditional Japanese soups. Miso soup is made of a dashi stock and softened miso paste. To this base ingredients, there are many optional ingredients that may be added depending on regional and seasonal recipes, as well as personal preference, like tofu, aburaage, shiitake, shells, negi, wakame, daikon and many others.

Persons: 2
Time:    15 min
   1x pot
   1x sieve
   1x tea spoon
   2x 250-280ml bowl

Basic Wakame Tofu Miso Soup


Amount Ingredient Zutat 材料 Note
500ml Water Wasser Cold or room temperature
5g Dashi Dashi 出汁 Instant stock, 2 tea spoons
20g White miso weißes Miso 白味噌 2 tea spoons
50g Tofu Tofu 豆腐 not too soft
1 Green onion Frühlingszwiebel 長ねぎ main part and little leaf part
Green onion leafs Schlotten 小ねぎ little leaf part from the end
2-4g Dried wakame Wakame 乾燥若布 2-3 tea spoons dried wakame

Mise en Place

Mise en Place can be done during cooking.

  1. Cut 50g Tofu into cubes
  2. Cut green onion into half (white part, upper leaf part)
  3. Cut lower green onion into 1-2mm thin slices (eventually make two piles)
  4. Cut upper green onion leaf into 5mm slices (divide into two piles)

Time Usage

0 Total time: ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
1 Boil water: ■■■■■
2 Cut tofu  :  ■
3 Cut onion :   ■
4 Add dashi :      ■
5 low heat  :       ■■■■■■■■■
6 Add miso  :       ■■
6 Add tofu  :         ■
6 Add wakame:         ■
7 Add onion :         ■
8 Prep. bowl:          ■■■■■■


  1. Boil water in a pot
  2. Do Mise en Place 1
  3. Do Mise en Place 2,3,4
  4. Remove heat from the pot, add dashi, mix
  5. When not boiling, set to low heat
  6. Make sure the broth is not boiling, add miso with a sieve and a spoon, add tofu and wakame
  7. From Mise en Place 3: Either add 2 piles of the lower (white) part of green onion into the pot or 1 pile each into a bowl
  8. Fill in the hot/warm soup in the bowls (eventually on top of the green onion) and add sliced green onion leafs on top of soup from Mise en Place 4. This can also be done by the customer at the table.


Not guaranteed, but the soup should be OK for 3 days stored in the fridge.


As a variant the following ingredients may be added

# Ingredient Zutat 材料 Note
1/4 Aburaage Aburaage 油揚げ Slice into 5mm stripes
1/4 Onion Zwiebel (Sommer) 玉ねぎ Slice into 1-2mm thin stripes
5g White sesame weißer Sesam 1 tea spoon
20g Mushrooms Champignons
4ts Sake Sake 4 tea spoons
Potato Kartoffeln Small cubes
Soya sprouts Soyasprossen
Daikon Daikon Small cubes
Spinach Blattspinat
Carrots Karotten Small
Red miso Rotes Miso Replace white with red miso
Arame Arame Replace wakame with arame
Soya sauce Soyasoße Be careful of too much salt
Tamari Tamari Replace Soya sauce with tamari
Burdock root jap. Schwarzwurzel 牛蒡/午蒡
Nameko jap. Stockschwämmchen 滑子
Wheat Gluten Weizengluten お麩/麩
Eggplant Aubergine 茄子
煮干し/炒り子 Bouillon from dried infant sardines


  • 午蒡 (ごぼう)
  • お麩/麩 (おふ/ふ)
  • 茄子(なす)
  • 煮干し(にぼし)
  • 炒り子(いりこ)


Version Date Notes
0.1.2 2023-01-19 Improve variant table
0.1.1 2020-11-04 Translate from German
0.1.0 2020-10-20 Initial release