
DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and information-technology operations1 (Ops) which aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. 🡺 wikipedia

  • HPC: Not only development need to be rolled out fast also new versions of the OS needs to be deployed fast. As for HPC image solutions for the base OS and for basic software like the MPI stack are quite common. There are many solution: Bright Cluster Manager, Warewulf, OpenHPC just to name a few. Unlike traditional server deployment DevOps is available in HPC since decades as some part of HPC is to deploy and test out code. The flexibility is archived via queueing system (like Slurm and others) that sends new applications including its environment to the worker nodes.

  1. The term information-technology operations (Ops) is linked in Wikipedia to Data Center Management which is translated into only Bahasa Indonesia and no other language (at the time of writing 2020-02-19). Strange isn’t it? In the German version of DevOps in 🡺 Wikipedia the term System Administration is used.↩︎