Quick Guide EN US

The goal of quick-guide is to compile information about IT-related tasks and to provide succinct instructions that enable users to replicate these tasks efficiently, without the need for extensive textual explanations. The main format of this repository is Markdown and the preferred language is English (US).

The main focus lies on:

Throughout this guide, examples of the use of free and open source software (FOSS) are provided. FOSS refers to software that is made available to the public under a license that allows users to study, modify, and redistribute the software without restriction. FOSS is often developed collaboratively by a community of developers and users who contribute to the development and improvement of the software. Examples of popular FOSS projects include the Linux operating system, the Apache web server, and the Firefox web browser. FOSS is often contrasted with proprietary software, which is owned by a company and typically has restrictions on how it can be used and modified. The concept of FOSS promotes collaboration, innovation, and accessibility, and has been instrumental in advancing the fields of software development and technology.


System Administration